I’m James Linfield and This is How I Mesh

I’m James Linfield and This is How I Mesh

I grew up on the south coast of the UK, in a small sleepy village called Storrington in West Sussex. Not too far away from the seaside town of Brighton (that’s where I say I’m from when people, quite rightly, have no idea where Storrington is!) As a kid, I always enjoyed figuring out how things worked, and I can vividly remember building a model remote-control car (The Grasshopper R/C Model Kit) from scratch with my Dad at a fairly young age. I think projects like that helped pique my interest in engineering at an early age, although I wasn’t aware of it at the time. I also loved airplanes. I can remember being completely obsessed with the Blackbird (Lockheed SR-71 to give it its proper name) and had a scale model of it in my room, I still think it looks incredible today. Eventually, this led me up to the East Midlands to study Mechanical Engineering at Loughborough University, where I...
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